Drake is a rising star, LITERALLY. Virgin America marked its first flight from California to Toronto on Tuesday (June 29) with a mile-high party aboard an Airbus A320, aka "Air Drake." Named after my Toronto-raised lover boy. The party in the sky was hosted by Virgin Group Founder Sir Richard Branson, Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger & Drizzy. The flight was the first international destination for the California-based airline. They took off at LAX & made a stop in San Francisco, where they picked up more passengers, including actors Gregory Smith, Gilles Marini, & dancer Cheryl Burke, among others. "Flying on 'Air Drake' is truly humbling. I'm truly honored to have a plane named after me," said Drake about the experience. Not only does he have his own commercial plane, but he also had the # 1 album on Billboard 200 last week (it was succeeded by Eminem's new shit Recovery). It also went #1 in the UK & is still #1 in Canada. Here in the states, he pushed almost half a million units his first week, which I think is amazing considering its his first album AND it was leaked just a few weeks before. If you haven't BOUGHT it yet, please do so. It's a great album.

If you guys haven't seen this, please watch it. It's a mini documentary MTV did to promote his album. It made me fall in love just a little bit more. He's so dreamy *sigh* :)
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