One family that I genuinely admire is the Smith Family. This beautiful clan consists of Will Smith, Jada Pinkett Smith, & their three adorable children Jaden (age 12), Willow (age 11) & Trey, 18. The whole family went on The Oprah Show recently & I was very touched as well as inspired by their interview. This is the kind of family I want to create. Will & Jada are such intellectual and strong individuals, so it isn't surprising that they have come together & formed such a powerful force. They are the prime example of what a loving & successful marriage is (twelve years strong so far). I was very surprised how open & insightful they were on to Oprah, she got some good stuff!
On The Family Business
Will & Jada say they created what they call a marriage business plan early on. "If you don't have a purpose for your relationship, if you don't have a place that you're going, something that you want to accomplish, something that you want to do, you can really get lost in the murk of the journey," Will says. "There has to be a vision. Like, why are we together?" Jada says. "I had my vision and he had his, so we had to join it," she says. "Once we started to see how the children were growing and, you know, Willow & Jaden & Trey were becoming their own beings we decided, 'Okay, we want to make a family business. How do we incorporate all the talent that we have in this family?' So that's our vision—to create a place where their dreams can come true as well." The adults in this family all agree that the goal for the children is for them to be their best selves. "I just want them to live in service to greatness. I want them to live and to create in a way that when people see it, people are inspired and people become better just by having contact with their excellence," Will says. The trick, however, is letting the children define their own greatness, Jada says. "We might have a vision for what we see, but at the end of the day, Jaden has to have his own vision, Willow has to have her own vision and so does Trey," she says. "So we are there to help inspire and facilitate their vision, because in order to reach the type of excellence that Will is talking about, you have to be able to reach inside yourself to find that drive. Nobody can put that drive in you, so you have to inspire the individual to find and focus on the goal that they want for themselves." I thought it was amazing how Will explained how they are teaching the kids the necessity of you adding to the family, your neighborhood, & ultimately to humanity.
The Smiths recently traveled to China for the filming of Jaden's new film, The Karate Kid. Trey couldn't go on the trip since he had football. Since they were filming for four months, Will took the 13.5-hour flight back every weekend to watch his son's football games. Now if that isn't an amazing dad, then I don't know what is! This is Jaden's first major movie & was also directed & produced by Will & Jada.
On Keeping It Hot
Jada admitted that her secret to keep the fire burning in their relationship is to keep it spontaneous. "Well is always thinking, always in his head, so I have to do the same. Shake things up" She added. Jada also admited to taking "breaks" while filming her show Hawthorne, since Will is often on the set. The most surprising piece of info she revealed to Oprah was her tendency to send him sexy pictures throughout the day to "remind hi what is waiting at home". I see you Jada, I see you! Lol.
Here are a few pictures of the family swagged the fuck out at The Karate Kid premiere earlier this week. Willow is growing up to be such a unique little lady! These children are destine for nothing but greatness. She, as well as everyone else, was styled by Mariel Haenn, Rihanna's stylist. That women has a remarkable eye for fashion. They all look stunning! Peep Widow's swag tho. Fashionista in training!!

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