This year's Video Music Awards were... Lets just say ridiculous. But amazing at the same time.
Who the FUCK told Lil Mama that she had the right to get up stage?! Not only will she never come close to the talent abilities of Jay OR Alicia Keys, but bitch your not even in the song. FAIL

LADY GAGA. Nuff said. Art or just pure nonsense?!?

Kanye fucked up. Like big time. I don't think he knew how much trouble this was going to cause him. Half of Hollywood has turned on him. The other half still support him but don't wanna say such because the majority of the white population (& all of Taylor Swifts fans) are trying to really fuck up his career! Its okay Yeezy, this too shall pass.

Beyonce did the very classy & media friendly thing to do by letting Taylor finish her speech.